Special Trash

Call 599-8838 to arrange for special trash pickups.



  • Special trash is trash that will not fit within a normal sized trash can, or plastic heavy duty trash bag, or is too heavy for one person to pickup. Those items include but are not limited to furniture, television sets, appliances. etc.
  • Refrigerators must have the doors completely removed prior to putting them at the curb for pick up.  Residents who leave refrigerators curbside with the doors on are subject to receiving a summons.
  • DO NOT PUT THESE ITEMS ON CURB:  Car batteries, Propane tanks, Motor Oil .
  • Used motor oil may be taken to the DPW during normal business hours (M-F 8-4) for disposal & recycling.
  • Propane tanks are not accepted by the Lynbrook DPW. Dispose of old propane tanks at a propane dealer or during the Town of Hempstead’s Annual S.T.O.P. Program.
  • After calling for an appointment to have a special item picked up, place the item curbside the evening before the pick up date. Do not leave items curbside beforehand.
  • Do not leave special trash items in the roadway as they can obstruct traffic, parking, and present a hazard to motor vehicle traffic particularly during hours of darkness.
  • Many appliance dealers will remove old appliances free when new appliances are delivered for recycling. We strongly encourage you to use this option.
  • For information on disposal of Household Hazardous Waste, visit the Town of Hempstead’s S.T.O.P. Program web page. (will open new window)

If you are not sure how to dispose of a particular item, call the DPW at 599-8838