Regular Trash

Regular Trash Collection Schedule

The recycling and trash collection will be done according to the designated areas in the Village as follows. Thank you for your cooperation.

Garbage Pick up Schedule

You are: If your property is located Your Pick-up* Days
AREA #1 NORTH of Merrick Rd and East of Hempstead Ave Tuesdays & Fridays
AREA #2 SOUTH of Merrick Rd and East of Broadway Mondays & Thursdays
AREA #3 SOUTH of Merrick Rd and West of Union Ave Mondays & Thursdays
AREA #4 NORTH of Merrick Rd and West of Hempstead Ave Tuesdays & Fridays

* Except as noted on separate mailings for Holidays and Snow Days.

Recycling Pick Up Schedule

Recyclable such as glass bottles and clean jars from food and beverages only, cans and certain plastics, as well as newspaper and cardboard should be placed out for collection in their designated containers as described below. Containers should be put at the curb the previous night for pick up on your designated day. Please refer to the above area designation to the week day.

If you do not have a recycle container, please call the DPW at 599-8838.

Designation Area #1 Area #2 Area #3 Area #4 Yorkshire/Westwood
Glass & Plastic, Recyclables, Cardboard & Newspapers (Tied in Bundles) Tuesday Monday Thursday Friday Wednesday
Bagged Leaves and Yard Waste Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

Leaf Collection Schedule

Leaf Collection Schedule 2024

Holiday Pick Up Schedule

Click here for Holiday Schedule

There will be no collections of any kind on the following Holiday’s: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The holiday pick up schedule can be viewed here.

Residents with questions and concerning their Area Designation on Collection Days should call the Department of Public Works (DPW) at 599-8838.

Bulk items must be scheduled and not to be placed on curb until the evening before scheduled pick up. (Ex. mattress, box springs, bed frames, dressers, A/C, refrigerators, TV, radiators, dishwashers, dryers, washing machines.) See our Special Sanitation Collection Page for more information on bulk items.

DO NOT PUT THESE ITEMS ON CURB: Car batteries, Propane tanks or Motor Oil. Car batteries and used motor oil may be taken to the DPW during normal business hours (M-F 8-4) for disposal & recycling. Propane tanks are not accepted by the Lynbrook DPW. Visit our Special Collections page for more information on how to dispose of old propane tanks.