Picnic Area Permit Application Conditions & Provisions

Call (516-599-8000) or visit the Recreation Department (55 Wilbur St., Lynbrook, N.Y.)

to determine if the date you want is available. Use is subject to all conditions listed below:

  • The fee for a picnic will be determined on the type of picnic and the amount of participants.
  • The picnic grounds and park facilities are for use by Lynbrook Residents and their guests only.
  • All family picnics are limited to 100 people.
  • Any corporations or organizations using the picnic area must be Lynbrook based.
  • No change is allowed to be made by Permittee in the schedule stated herein without permission from the Lynbrook Recreation Commission.
  • No charge shall be made for admission to the park. There shall not be any solicitation of any funds in any matter, shape or form. (unless with special permission from the Recreation Commission)
  • Nothing whatsoever shall be sold, or shall be offered for sale, upon the park premises or within the boundaries controlled by the Lynbrook Recreation Commission, unless authorized in writing by the Commission.
  • This permit is issued and accepted with the express consent and understanding that there is no liability whatsoever on the part of the Incorporated Village of Lynbrook, or on the part of the Lynbrook Recreation Commission, with respect to supervision and maintenance of the play area, and the Permittee hereby agrees to save and hold departments or divisions from any and all liability for anything and everything whatsoever arising from, or out of, the use of the Park and Play Area by, or under, the Permittee.
  • This permit is subject to revocation for failure on the part of the Permitttee to leave the area in good condition and free from litter, or for failure to maintain proper decorum and order. NO GLASS BOTTLES OR DRINKING GLASSES are permitted in the park.
  • Absolutely no motorized or battery driven vehicles are allowed in the picnic area, ball fields, or any other areas of the park other than the parking fields. All loading and unloading of vehicles is to be done in the parking field, not the picnic area.
  • The Permittee shall be liable for the cost of repair or replacement for loss or damage to equipment.
  • The permit is issued and accepted with the express understanding the all rules and regulations of the Lynbrook Recreation Department will be observed, and upon failure to comply said permit will be revoked.