Office of the Village Assessor

Assessment Reports Assessor - Lisa Kenny

Hours- Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 4 PM
The Assessor’s Office is located in the Village Hall
Phone # 593-6505 / Fax # 593-8309

The Assessment Department is responsible for assessing all real property, preparing and maintaining the assessment rolls, tax rolls and tax bills for approximately 6,000 parcels throughout the Village.

The Final Assessment roll is prepared and finalized by April 1st each year.

The Assessment Department must be advised when a mortgage is satisfied or refinanced or when there is a new owner. This must be done within 30 days of such change.

Applications for a senior exemption can be obtained by calling 516-593-6505. The income limit is $42,400. Those who already have a senior exemption will receive renewal applications in the mail by Oct. The filing period ends Dec 31st.

Applications for Veteran and Firefighter exemptions can also be obtained by calling the Assessment Office.

The Village’s tax grievance period begins each Feb 1, and concludes on the third Tuesday in February which is Grievance Day. If you wish to file a grievance, you may pick up an application after January 1, at the Assessment Dept. The deadline for filing is the third Tuesday in February.


Please note that Village First-Half Taxes are due June 1, thru June 30, by 4:00pm

Second -Half Taxes are due December 1, thru December 31, by 4:00pm

If taxes are not paid by June 30, (first half) or December 31st, (second-half) there will be a 5% penalty added to your taxes.

If you have recently satisfied or refinanced your mortgage, please do not assume your attorney or financial institution is going to notify the village.  It is up to the homeowner to notify the village of any changes to their account