Architectural Review Board

To View The Architectural Review Board Public Hearing Calendar, Click here

An Overview

The function of the Architectural Review Board is to review applications whereby the applicant proposes to make aesthetic changes to current dwellings, garages, fences, signs, awnings and canopies. The Architectural Review Board is empowered to grant permission to the applicants who are seeking to improve their home or business situations.

Mission of the Architectural Review Board

It is the Board’s goal to review applications to ascertain that any changes will not cause the community to look dissimilar in nature, but rather to keep the community in a similar aesthetic manner, and encourage any change to enhance and beautify not only the particular premises, but to beautify the area and community in general in order to enhance quality of life.

Limitations of Architectural Board’s Approval

The Architectural Review Board is limited to granting permission to applicants in regard to aesthetics only.

Notification of Application

Notice of the Architectural Review Board’s calendar is published in a local newspaper at least one week prior to the hearing date. This notice enables neighbors to be aware that aesthetic changes will be taking place at a particular address so all interested parties can be assured of an opportunity to attend the public meeting.

Board Meetings and Composition

The Architectural Review Board meeting is a formal meeting whereby an applicant, or their professional representative (Architect/Engineer), present their architectural drawings showing the proposed changes to said property. The plans are reviewed by the Board who, in turn, may ask questions regarding the requested changes. The Board may advise the applicant as to additional aesthetic changes they feel may further the enhancement of the applicant’s property.

The members of the Board are resident volunteers appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Board. They are assisted in their deliberations by the Superintendent of Buildings or his representative.

Architectural Review Board Members

  • John Ferrante (CHAIRPERSON)
  • Clem Becker
  • Susan Bonomo
  • Ed Hynes
  • Nicole Giacopelli
  • Cindy Schreiner (1st Alternate)
  • Maryanne Hoesel (2nd Alternate)
  • Don Janonis (3rd Alternate)